Hyperparameter Tuning Implementation
HardHyperparameter TuningModel SelectionCross-ValidationGrid SearchRandom SearchOptimization
Implement grid search and random search for hyperparameter tuning from scratch. Compare different search strategies and understand their impact on model performance.
Implement grid search and random search for hyperparameter tuning from scratch. Compare different search strategies and understand their impact on model performance.
Input: param_grid = {"C": [0.1, 1], "kernel": ["linear", "rbf"]}
grid_search_cv(SVC(), param_grid, X, y)
Output: Best parameters: {'C': 1, 'kernel': 'rbf'}
Best CV score: 0.9500
Grid search example with SVM parameters
Input: param_dist = {"C": np.logspace(-1, 1, 100)}
random_search_cv(SVC(), param_dist, X, y, n_iter=5)
Output: Best parameters found after 5 iterations
Best CV score: 0.9450
Random search example with continuous parameter
- Must implement both grid and random search
- Must use cross-validation for evaluation
- Must handle multiple parameter types
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